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Salute to Celebrities Passed

Golden Years of the Silver Screen

The Big Harp

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A Salute to our Celebrities who have passed on...
These visitors to VJ's Corner will not be forgotten...
Although time has taken these beautiful people away,
we still have their photos and the tapes of their
unique voices...

Actor Buddy Rogers
His film "WINGS" won the first ever Academy Award!
Married to Mary Pickford, his will has funded the
Mary Pickford Theatre in Cathedral City, California.  The BUDDY ROGERS YOUTH SYMPHONY has afforded the opportunity to learn music for youngsters all through the Coachella Valley.
Baseball's Don Drysdale
This Hall-of-Famer's pitching made him a hero.
Actress, author, and painter, she will be forever
remembered as Fred Astaire's dancing partner.
Host and MC Dennis James
He hosted thousands of charitable events, and is
remembered with a golf tournament in his name, an
annual fundraiser for United Cerebral Palsy.
Actor Kiel Martin
Most famous for "Hill Street Blues" he is
remembered as the first actor to embrace sobriety
on a TV show. He was a close personal friend as well.
Sculptor, Furniture Designer, and Actor George Montgomery
His artwork can still be seen at the Palm Springs
Desert Museum, and his films will delight forever.
Comedy Actress Nancy Kulp
Best remembered as the hilarious secretary to the
banker on "Beverly Hillbillies" this naturally funny
lady became a wonderful friend as well.

To see a movie of VJ's Celebrity Guests, go to:
